
Call for Gold and Silver medal, Certificate of Merit

The SAAB council hereby wishes to invite all corporate members (ordinary, life and honorary members) to nominate candidates for the following medals and award:

The SAAB Gold Medal for Botany

This medal will only be awarded in exceptional circumstances, to outstanding candidates and is the premier award for Botany in South Africa and will be awarded to any Botanist on the grounds of outstanding research and contributions to the advancement of Botany in South Africa.

Nominations: A curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate must be submitted, as well as a complete list of publications and an evaluation of the candidate’s scientific contribution to Botany.

The SAAB Silver Medal for Botany

This medal may be awarded to any Botanist on the grounds of outstanding research and/or other contributions to the advancement of Botany in South Africa.

Nominations: The same documents as required for the South African Gold Medal for Botany.

The SAAB Certificate of Merit

The certificate will be awarded for outstanding contributions in the scientific, technical, artistic, and educational or any other botanical field, made by persons not in possession of a university degree in Botany.

Nominations:  The same documents as required for the South African Gold Medal for Botany.

Further information regarding the nominations is explained in the SAAB constitution, which is available at (page 20).

Nominations must reach the secretary by email ( by no later than 31 August 2024. These awards will be presented at the SAAB Conference dinner in July 2025.